Events Calendar
Join us for a festive Community Holiday Dinner, where everyone is welcome to enjoy a delicious meal at no cost. This event is a time together with neighbors, to celebrate the season, and share in the warmth of the holiday spirit. There will be a variety of dishes, desserts, and beverages, ensuring something for everyone to enjoy. All are invited to come together, connect, and enjoy a traditional turkey meal with friends, family, and new faces in the community.
Dinner Includes
Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Veggies, Rolls with Butter, Stuffing, Pies & Brownies and Water, Lemonade, or Iced Tea
Reservations are not required. This sit-down meal is first-come, first-served. Take-out will only be available from 6:45-7:00 pm, depending on the amount of food remaining after sit-down individuals have been served. Personal take-out containers are prohibited for sanitary reasons.